148. SendURL()

Sendet dem Channel eine URL.


Sendet dem Channel eine URL, die das Gerät aufrufen soll (IAX2). Setzt die Ausführung beim nächsten Schritt fort.

Mit der Option j wird, wenn der Channel keine Übertragung von URLs unterstützt, zur Priorität n+101 gesprungen. Mit der Option wait wird vor dem Fortfahren auf eine Bestätigung gewartet, dass die URL geladen wurde.

Liefert 0 zurück, wenn die URL fehlerfrei übertragen wurde oder der Channel die Übertragung nicht unterstützt, sonst -1. Setzt die Channel-Variable SENDURLSTATUS auf SUCCESS (Erfolg), FAILURE (Sendefehler), UNSUPPORTED (nicht unterstützt) oder NOLOAD (bei wait: Client konnte die URL nicht laden).

exten => 123,1,SendURL(http://www.asterisk.org/,wait)


————————| 1.2 |————————| 1.4 |————————| 1.6 |————————

Interner Hilfetext zu dieser Applikation in Asterisk 1.4: 

  -= Info about application 'SendURL' =-

Send a URL

  SendURL(URL[|option]): Requests client go to URL (IAX2) or sends the
URL to the client (other channels).
Result is returned in the SENDURLSTATUS channel variable:
    SUCCESS       URL successfully sent to client
    FAILURE       Failed to send URL
    NOLOAD        Client failed to load URL (wait enabled)
    UNSUPPORTED   Channel does not support URL transport

If the option 'wait' is specified, execution will wait for an
acknowledgement that the URL has been loaded before continuing

If jumping is specified as an option (the 'j' flag), the client does not
support Asterisk "html" transport, and there exists a step with priority
n + 101, then execution will continue at that step.

SendURL continues normally if the URL was sent correctly or if the channel
does not support HTML transport.  Otherwise, the channel is hung up.

Differenz des internen Hilfetexts von Asterisk 1.2 zu 1.4: 

--- in Asterisk 1.2
+++ in Asterisk 1.4
@@ -9,17 +9,15 @@
   Result is returned in the SENDURLSTATUS channel variable:
       SUCCESS       URL successfully sent to client
       FAILURE       Failed to send URL
-      NOLOAD        Clien failed to load URL (wait enabled)
+      NOLOAD        Client failed to load URL (wait enabled)
       UNSUPPORTED   Channel does not support URL transport

   If the option 'wait' is specified, execution will wait for an
   acknowledgement that the URL has been loaded before continuing
-  and will return -1 if the peer is unable to load the URL

-  Old behaviour (deprecated):
-   If the client does not support Asterisk "html" transport,
-   and there exists a step with priority n + 101, then execution will
-   continue at that step.
-   Otherwise, execution will continue at the next priority level.
-   SendURL only returns 0 if the URL was sent correctly  or if
-   the channel does not support HTML transport, and -1 otherwise.
+  If jumping is specified as an option (the 'j' flag), the client does not
+  support Asterisk "html" transport, and there exists a step with priority
+  n + 101, then execution will continue at that step.
+  SendURL continues normally if the URL was sent correctly or if the channel
+  does not support HTML transport.  Otherwise, the channel is hung up.

Differenz des internen Hilfetexts von Asterisk 1.4 zu 1.6: 

--- in Asterisk 1.4
+++ in Asterisk 1.6
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
   Send a URL

-    SendURL(URL[|option]): Requests client go to URL (IAX2) or sends the
+    SendURL(URL[,option]): Requests client go to URL (IAX2) or sends the
   URL to the client (other channels).
   Result is returned in the SENDURLSTATUS channel variable:
       SUCCESS       URL successfully sent to client
@@ -12,12 +12,8 @@
       NOLOAD        Client failed to load URL (wait enabled)
       UNSUPPORTED   Channel does not support URL transport

-  If the option 'wait' is specified, execution will wait for an
+  If the option 'w' is specified, execution will wait for an
   acknowledgement that the URL has been loaded before continuing

-  If jumping is specified as an option (the 'j' flag), the client does not
-  support Asterisk "html" transport, and there exists a step with priority
-  n + 101, then execution will continue at that step.
   SendURL continues normally if the URL was sent correctly or if the channel
   does not support HTML transport.  Otherwise, the channel is hung up.

Siehe auch. Abschnitt 146, „SendImage(), Abschnitt 147, „SendText()


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