48. Originate


————————| 1.2 |————————| 1.4 |————————| 1.6 |————————

Interner Hilfetext zu diesem AMI-Befehl in Asterisk 1.4: 

Action: Originate
Synopsis: Originate Call
Privilege: call,all
Description: Generates an outgoing call to a Extension/Context/Priority or
Variables: (Names marked with * are required)
        *Channel: Channel name to call
        Exten: Extension to use (requires 'Context' and 'Priority')
        Context: Context to use (requires 'Exten' and 'Priority')
        Priority: Priority to use (requires 'Exten' and 'Context')
        Application: Application to use
        Data: Data to use (requires 'Application')
        Timeout: How long to wait for call to be answered (in ms)
        CallerID: Caller ID to be set on the outgoing channel
        Variable: Channel variable to set, multiple Variable: headers are allowed
        Account: Account code
        Async: Set to 'true' for fast origination

Differenz des internen Hilfetexts von Asterisk 1.2 zu 1.4: — keine —

Differenz des internen Hilfetexts von Asterisk 1.4 zu 1.6: 

--- in Asterisk 1.4
+++ in Asterisk 1.6
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   Action: Originate
   Synopsis: Originate Call
-  Privilege: call,all
+  Privilege: originate,all
   Description: Generates an outgoing call to a Extension/Context/Priority or
   Variables: (Names marked with * are required)


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